Welcome to your network of care.

Thank you for seeking the support you need. Thank you for doing all the things you have done that brought you here. This network is here to help, to strengthen and to begin to repair the harm done while being a part of the resistance.

Finding the support you want

This website contains the contact information for a select group wellness practitioners who do their best to facilitate a decolonized and anti-racist forms of mental health care. They are informed as to the over arching aspects of resistance and anti-oppression work and care very much about support for the people who put their hearts, minds and bodies in the way of colonial violence .

This support is provided free of charge, all while the practitioners get a fair rate for their services.

If you have any questions or comments please reach out at resistance.resilience1312@gmail.com

Access help from anywhere with cell service or wi-fi

We know that these movements often take place in remote areas, and accessing in-person care is basically out of the question. All of the care providers are happy to speak to you over zoom, or even over the phone.